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In partnership with BP Oman, Sharakah welcomes local small and medium enterprises to participate in Khazzan for SMEs Development Programme.

Online registration for the programme will be open fully in November. Dinkar Kishor, acting general manager of Sharakah, Shaima Al Lawati, Founder of Destination Sustainability and in presence of the teams of Sharakah and Destination Sustainability has kicked off the launch of the programme.

Khazzan is one of BP Oman’s Social Investment Programmes for SMEs Development It aims to examine the current performance of the selected SMEs, analyse and identify areas for improvement and draw an organized plan for action to be taken over 12 months. By this programme, Sharakah aims at helping entrepreneurs to boost their businesses performance commercially through identifying improvements in internal governance systems and financial management.

Khazzan aims ten Omani SMEs that have been operating for one to one and a half years and are owned and managed by Omanis to apply through the online registration. These SMEs will support during one-year offering development and handholding services. The selection of the SMEs is based on criteria depending on the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by these SMEs.

“We at Sharakah are grateful and proud of our partnership with BP Oman to implement this project. Over the last four years, we have supported 86 projects. This programme had a positive impact on the community and motivated the SMEs to work harder towards improvement by applying best practices. Through Khazzan for SMEs Development programme, Sharakah in collaboration with BP Oman provides a detailed report of how they can upgrade their operations and make their business more sustainable and viable while following the best practices. Once the improvement areas are clear to the businesses, Sharakah assists through carrying out regular mentorship and guidance sessions and providing required tools in business management. We are happy to provide intensive hands-on experience through our well-experienced team’’. said Dinkar Kishor.

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