BMS Auditing is a top accounting firm to offer accounting and bookkeeping services to maintain records & manage financial reports and business operations. Our services are in demand and required by all companies regardless of the size of the company as the government makes it mandatory to maintain a systematic and comprehensive recording of all the financial transactions of the company. 

BMS offers the finest accounting services that maintain quality accounting and financial records. At BMS, our accountants provide standardized accounting and bookkeeping services in UAE, KSA, Qatar, Bahrain, OmanUK and USA. which allows the business to run efficiently and effectively.

We follow the best accounting standard in UAE i.e., International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) and GAAP in order to provide well-maintained accounting and bookkeeping services and accounting solutions to ensure higher sales and growth of the company.


Importance of Accounting and Bookkeeping

Instead of pitting accounting vs bookkeeping, it is more accurate and beneficial to view them as complementary functions. Because Accounting and bookkeeping work hand in hand with financial management, no matter how big or small a company is.

Bookkeeping records transactions, while accounting interprets and analyzes the data for decision-making. Accounting and bookkeeping help in preparing well-analyzed and accurate financial documents such as balance sheets, trial balance, and profit/loss statements by recording and classifying all the financial data of the transactions.

Accounting and Bookkeeping help the management of the company to understand and monitor the movement of money before making any financial decision.


Top Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

With all accounting and bookkeeping activities, the company will have a track of all the transactions and they will also know that from where and how much money is coming and where and how much money is going, it enables the management to know the business position so they can be able to know which direction they are heading towards. 

BMS Auditing, with the best chartered accountants in Dubai, UAE and GCC countries has curated the best list of accounting and bookkeeping services to serve clients in a most professional and tailored approach. We are FTA approved and IFRS certified accounting firm to serve businesses across the globe with world-class accounting standards.

image with text describing the major significances of Accounting and Bookkeeping services by BMS Auditing

Here is the list of accounting and bookkeeping services that are in demand, especially in Middle Eastern regions including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, etc.,


Scope of Accounting and Bookkeeping services

Our services are always geared to your specific needs and challenges. We aim to provide assistance where businesses face lot of struggles in accounting. The following are the scope of our accounting and bookkeeping services aim to focus on and give the best accounting solutions for you,

  • Balance Sheet
  • Cash Flow Statement
  • Posting of Journal Entries
  • Receipts Posting
  • Purchase Invoices Posting
  • Posting of Material Issued
  • VAT Accounting
  • Admin & General Expenses
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Accounts Payable Reporting
  • Trial Balance Reporting
  • Profit and Loss Accounting
  • Journal Entries 
  • Sales & Revenue Posting
  • Payments Posting
  • Accounting of Petty Cash
  • Received Material Posting
  • Outsourcing Payroll Accounting
  • Depreciation & Fixed Assets
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Debit & Credit Adjustments
  • Owner equity statements
  • Debtors and creditors statements
  • Daily or weekly accounting entries


Benefits of Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

Due to the increase in the complexity of the world of business, managing and measuring finances became a difficult task. Without having an efficient system for taking care of back-office transactions, payroll processing bookkeeping, and the management of finances become ineffective. These days outsourcing became beneficial to organizations, especially in accounting and financial agendas.

Different essential benefits which a business can receive from outsourcing its accounting and bookkeeping services are:

Saves time - Outsourcing financial managers save company time by providing service on time. For managing bookkeeping services, in-house associates may not be as time conscious as an outsourcing organization that only focus on these financial features.

Reduce chances of company fraud - It is important to note that accounting and outsourcing bookkeeping services reduce the probability of fraud within the corporation. As all financial data will be handled by outsourcing organizations so employees won't be able to access any financial or accounting details.

Saves money - As we know time is money and by hiring the right outsourcing company you can achieve success in getting a quality accounting service on time. An organization, which is amateurishly trained in one specific area is more liable to deliver service on time with high-quality standards whereas business associates may not be punctual.

Focuses on a mission - Financial tasks managed by an outsourcing company will do their task efficiently by just only focusing on the management of accounts.

Optimizes accounting services - Bookkeeping services are maximized through expert outsourced organizations, rather than from the services of business associates who usually have generalized experience and ideas.

Bookkeeping Services 

BMS Auditing provides quality and timely bookkeeping maintenance in the background while you focus on your major business functions. As experienced bookkeeping professionals, we will help you with all the data entry and bank reconciliations that are required.

We are offering top-notch bookkeeping services. We also provide bookkeeping and accounting services for small businesses, which are focused on the small business owner. We help each client with tailor-made bookkeeping and accounting solutions.


Chartered Accountants and Bookkeepers in Dubai, UAE

We help companies to discover that unique approach by assessing operational efficiencies, identifying opportunities to enhance strategic insight and operational effectiveness, and developing a path of improvement by leveraging alternative resource models.

BMS Auditing has experienced and professional chartered accountants who aim to look into the broad picture of the client’s business despite the size & complexity of the figures. As operational models of the businesses, corporate cultures and organizational priorities vary from business to business, BMS strongly supports and believes in a paperless and modern accounting solution to enhance functions and efficiency.

We use the latest accounting software and accounting techniques to ensure the clarity of the accounts. BMS Auditing is one of the top-rated accounting firms in UAE, KSA, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, UK and USA. For quality accounting and bookkeeping services, Contact us.

Our auditing firm produces outstanding and distinctive audit reports, and we provide a wide range of financial and business services to meet the needs of various business clients, including:



Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)


  1. What is accounting and bookkeeping service?

Bookkeeping is like keeping track of your daily finances. It's the fine print of recording every penny coming in and going out. Accounting is like understanding what your financial picture means. It takes the raw data from bookkeeping and analyzes it to help you make informed decisions.


  1. What is the difference between accounting and bookkeeping?

Bookkeeping focuses on the day-to-day recording of financial transactions. Think of it as entering all your income and expenses into a checkbook.

Accounting takes that data and analyzes it. It's like using your checkbook information to understand your spending habits, plan for the future, and make smart financial decisions.


  1. What is full service bookkeeping?

Full-charge bookkeepers are the financial superheroes of small businesses! They handle everything, from recording transactions in the ledger to creating financial reports and tax returns. They can also tackle tricky transactions and manage payroll.  Basically, they're a one-stop shop for all your business's accounting needs. 


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